Spring Newsletter 2012

Welcome to another UHC Newsletter. Spring is near upon us, not that it feels like it today, as I start this letter, it’s one of the coldest days this winter and raining too much for me to ride my bike to work this morning. So much has been happening over the hibernation period of the year. I love winter when I can be inside in front of an open fire, rest up with a book or reflecting on the day and watching the flames.

Though in saying this, I have been busy and if you haven’t seen my interview on New Tang Dynasty Television regarding Traditional Chinese Medicine gaining accreditation in Australia as yet, then I’d love to get your feed back on what you thought of the interview and remember to Like Us on our new FaceBook page. The best response will be rewarded with a free treatment. Click here to view interview

This time of year can catch many of us out as there are days the wind feels warm but can so quickly change in to a bitter cold wind, so the common cold is still easy to catch. 

Spring for many can mean allergies and the constant sneezing and itchy eyes and throat that hay fever sufferers go through each year. Acupuncture can provide instant relief in the acute phase, then follow up treatment with a herbal protocol can help you reduce the symptoms and in many cases alleviate them. For more information on hay fever and how to alleviate the symptoms, please click here.

The specialness of Spring time, the freshness, the blossoms and colours that appear after the dormancy of Winter, there is almost an awakening in the body as it starts to naturally change rhythm, rising earlier and wanting to move, thoughts of warmer days and more social activities. And with a greater desire to get one’s body into better shape as more flesh will be exposed in the coming months. Over the winter I came across dry skin brushing, not a new product on the market, all the same just thought I would share the benefits, so I have decided to stock them in clinic. I have found they increase my circulation and soften my skin, even though it is recommended that one does this daily, I haven’t the time. I find once or twice a week certainly helps, for more information on all the benefits. Please click here. Dry skin brushing is a great addition to the spring detox along with the Calcium Bentonite that we have had in stock for the last few months, which has had only great feedback from those who have started using it. Please click here for more information.

Keeping on the topic of body cleansing, Magnesium has many benefits and one is helping rid the body of cellulite, as is stops Cortisol production and helps convert fatty acids into prostaglandins. Magnesium not only helps the body to distress but also helps the cells to detox and improves the tissues by drawing out toxins through the skin. I have been doing a foot soak and or a bath weekly over the winter and really noticed a difference in the quality of my sleep too. And if you’re wondering about the difference between Magnesium flakes and Epsom salts click here for an article that I found.   

To add to your journey of inner cleansing Ilse suggests some deep breathing, click here for the next meditation class timetable  that she will start.

What to Eat in the Spring months

I’ve written a few recipes out that might tempt a few of you from the book “Fountain of Youth” which is an accompaniment to the 5 Tibetan rites that I have been teaching over the years to those interested.



5 cups broccoli florets lightly seamed al dente
2 cups bean sprouts
1 red bell pepper

½ cup cold pressed olive oil
2-3 tabs Japanese plum wine
¼ cup cream (optional)
Pepper to taste 

Please click here for Utopia Health Care Recipies for a Healthier Lifestyle



1 1/2 cup broccoli or cauliflower florets lightly steamed
1½ cup okra cut in to 2 or 3 pieces and briefly sautéed
2 carrots cut lengthwise steamed
1 red bell pepper 1 yellow bell pepper diced
1 cup green peas, fresh or frozen.

Method: Toss all ingredients together and marinate in Thai dressing and garnish with tomato wedges and lemon slices

1 cup water
1/3 cup coconut cream
¼ tsp ground cardamom seeds
½ tsp grated or minced Thai ginger
½ tsp turmeric powder
4 lemon leaves cut in very thin strips (lime is good too)
1 fresh chili pepper finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste and lemon juice

Method: Heat the water and blend the coconut cream, add the rest of the ingredients and let dressing cool. Pour on to vegetables and serve.

Please click here for Utopia Health Care Recipies for a Healthier Lifestyle



½ cup sunflower seeds
1 Tbs sunflower seed oil
½ clove garlic
16 cups spinach that has been washed
Pepper to taste
1 tbs Japanese plum wine or to taste
Lemon juice to taste.

Method: Roast sunflowers seeds lightly in dry pan, add oil and garlic and finally the spinach fry until soften ( this is pretty quick) transfer the spinach to a bowl, season with pepper, plum wine and lemon juice serve immediately

Please click here for Utopia Health Care Recipies for a Healthier Lifestyle


Remember Christmas is on the horizon and birthdays are always next week and what better gift than the gift of good health. Utopia Health Care has gift vouchers available.



Yours in good health,

Mychelle and the Utopia Health Care team